Myo-Freeform Technology

Meets Myopia Management

Innovative Myo-Freeform Technology that offers the next generation of managing childhood myopia.

Understanding Myopia

What is Myopia?

Myopia is a common eye condition where objects in the close distance are clear and objects in the far distance are blurred. It typically begins during childhood and can often progress until the eyes stops growing.

What is the cause of Myopia?

The development of myopia is influenced by hereditary and environmental factors

and appears to be increasing at an alarming rate.


Children are 7.9x more likely to develop myopia if both parents are myopic.(2)


Amount of near work and lack of outdoor time is associated with myopia development.(3)

What are the symptoms of Myopia?

Blurred distance vision

Difficulties concentrating at school

Going closer to the television

Headaches and eye strain

Tired eyes and squinting

Why Is Myopia management important?

Certain degrees of myopia increases the risk of developing complicated eye conditions.

Early detection and implementing proper myopia management strategies can reduce severity and decrease the risk of serious eye conditions in the future.

Myo-Freeform Technology Meets

Myopia Management

MyoME is a lens designed using innovative

Myo-Freeform Technology and offers an exciting approach to managing the “silent pandemic” of childhood myopia.

Single Vision Glasses

When conventional single vision glasses are prescribed, central vision is clear. However, light rays in the periphery are focused behind the back of the eye which acts as a trigger for the eyes to grow.(4)

Peripheral light rays are focused behind the back of the eye, acting as a stimulus for myopia progression.

Eyes grow longer and become more myopic.

MyoME eliminates this trigger by bringing the light rays in the periphery forward, thereby creating a signal to slow down eye growth. By slowing down eye growth, we can decrease the rate of myopia progression.

MyoME’s peripheral treatment zones move the peripheral light rays forward.

Reduced myopia progression.

Features & Benefits

1 Central Viewing Zone

Allows for clear and sharp vision for enhanced comfort, all the while sustaining a harmonious equilibrium with the treatment zone.

2 Peripheral Treatment Zone

Offers a more optimal and targeted treatment option as it takes into consideration the asymmetry of the back of the eye.(4)

3 Reading Addition

Helps to relax the eyes when performing near-work tasks. The smooth transition enhances comfortability and improves compliance.

4 Remarkably Thinner

Slim and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Research from the

European Clinical Trials

A randomised, double-blind study was conducted by the Universidad Europea de Madrid to investigate the efficacy of MyoME on European children with myopia. (Clinical trial to be published early 2024)

The results of the clinical trial suggests that our innovative lens technology reduces the rate of ocular elongation by 39% in comparison to single vision lenses.

The study suggests that children wearing MyoME had a 39% lower axial length measurement, compared to children wearing standard single vision lens over a 12m period. The innovative technology behind MyoME slows down axial elongation and allows better management of myopia progression.

The performance and level of comfort and sharpness of the lens yielded similar results to that of a single vision lens, emphasising the intuitive usability of the lens, whilst providing efficacious myopia management.

Performance all distances








Excellent Acceptable Unacceptable

Can be improved




Comfortable Can be improved Uncomfortable






Perfect Approved Suboptimal


  1. Nilagiri, V.K., Lee, S.S.Y., Lingham, G., Charng, J., Yazar, S., Hewitt, A.W., Griffiths, L.R., Sanfilippo, P.G., Tsai, T.H. and Mackey, D.A., 2023. Distribution of Axial Length in Australians of Different Age Groups, Ethnicities, and Refractive Errors. Translational vision science & technology, 12(8), pp.14-14.
  2. Mutti, D.O., Hayes, J.R., Mitchell, G.L., Jones, L.A., Moeschberger, M.L., Cotter, S.A., Kleinstein, R.N., Manny, R.E., Twelker, J.D. and Zadnik, K., 2007. Refractive error, axial length, and relative peripheral refractive error before and after the onset of myopia. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 48(6), pp.2510-2519.
  3. Bullimore, M.A. and Brennan, N.A., 2019. Myopia control: why each diopter matters. Optometry and Vision Science, 96(6), pp.463-465.
  4. Ip, J.M., Huynh, S.C., Robaei, D., Rose, K.A., Morgan, I.G., Smith, W., Kifley, A. and Mitchell, P., 2007. Ethnic differences in the impact of parental myopia: findings from a population-based study of 12-year-old Australian children. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 48(6), pp.2520-2528.
  5. Morgan, I.G., Wu, P.C., Ostrin, L.A., Tideman, J.W.L., Yam, J.C., Lan, W., Baraas, R.C., He, X., Sankaridurg, P., Saw, S.M. and French, A.N., 2021. IMI risk factors for myopia. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 62(5), pp.3-3.
  6. Karthikeyan, S.K., Ashwini, D.L., Priyanka, M., Nayak, A. and Biswas, S., 2022. Physical activity, time spent outdoors, and near work in relation to myopia prevalence, incidence, and progression: An overview of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Indian journal of ophthalmology, 70(3), p.72
  7. Holden, B.A., Fricke, T.R., Wilson, D.A., Jong, M., Naidoo, K.S., Sankaridurg, P., Wong, T.Y., Naduvilath, T.J. and Resnikoff, S., 2016. Global prevalence of myopia and high myopia and temporal trends from 2000 through 2050. Ophthalmology, 123(5), pp.1036-1042.
  8. Wolffsohn, J.S., Whayeb, Y., Logan, N.S. and Weng, R., 2023. IMI—Global Trends in Myopia Management Attitudes and Strategies in Clinical Practice—2022 Update. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 64(6), pp.6-6.
  9. Faria-Ribeiro, M., Queirós, A., Lopes-Ferreira, D., Jorge, J. and González-Méijome, J.M., 2013. Peripheral refraction and retinal contour in stable and progressive myopia. Optometry and Vision Science, 90(1), pp.9-15.
  10. Mutti, D.O., Sholtz, R.I., Friedman, N.E. and Zadnik, K., 2000. Peripheral refraction and ocular shape in children. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 41(5), pp.1022-1030.
  11. Lin, Z., Martinez, A., Chen, X., Li, L., Sankaridurg, P., Holden, B.A. and Ge, J., 2010. Peripheral defocus with single-vision spectacle lenses in myopic children. Optometry and Vision Science, 87(1), pp.4-9.
  12. Erdinest, N., London, N., Lavy, I., Berkow, D., Landau, D., Levinger, N. and Morad, Y., 2023. Peripheral defocus as it relates to myopia progression: A mini-review. Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology.
  13. Bao, J., Wang, Y., Zhuo, Z., Yang, X., Tan, R., Drobe, B. and Chen, H., 2016. Influence of progressive addition lenses on reading posture in myopic children. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 100(8), pp.1114-1117.
  14. Gajjar, S. and Ostrin, L.A., 2022. A systematic review of near work and myopia: measurement, relationships, mechanisms and clinical corollaries. Acta Ophthalmologica, 100(4), pp.376-387.
  15. Pan, C.W., Ramamurthy, D. and Saw, S.M., 2012. Worldwide prevalence and risk factors for myopia. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 32(1), pp.3-16.
  16. Ip, J.M., Rose, K.A., Morgan, I.G., Burlutsky, G. and Mitchell, P., 2008. Myopia and the urban environment: findings in a sample of 12-year-old Australian school children. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 49(9), pp.3858-3863.
  17. Jones-Jordan, L.A., Sinnott, L.T., Chu, R.H., Cotter, S.A., Kleinstein, R.N., Manny, R.E., Mutti, D.O., Twelker, J.D., Zadnik, K. and CLEERE Study Group, 2021. Myopia progression as a function of sex, age, and ethnicity. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 62(10), pp.36-36.

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